A porcupine, a fox and a lynx met in a bar…
Porcupine – ubiquitous across Alaska I’m not really a wildlife artist, but here are some wildlife drawings I recently completed for a special project. Some of them are just so-so, but in general I...
Porcupine – ubiquitous across Alaska I’m not really a wildlife artist, but here are some wildlife drawings I recently completed for a special project. Some of them are just so-so, but in general I...
Manley schoolhouse in mid-2000s Gladys Dart was a young mother with three children when she moved to Manley Hot Springs in 1956. She and her husband, Chuck, had just purchased the Karshner homestead...
North side of blacksmith shop at Fairbanks Creek Camp in early spring of 1994 Gold Dredge No. 2, located about 20 miles northeast of Fairbanks at Fairbanks Creek, was one of Fairbanks Exploration Company’s...
Went camping along the Delta River near Black Rapids this past weekend. This is a panorama looking downriver. (Click on the image for a large view.) Weather was blustery–wind blowing down the river as...
When I was out taking photos of the woods behind my house i noticed these two examples of fungi ensconced among the bunchberries (Cornus canadensis) . These two fungi were within yards of each...
I walked through the spruce woods behind my house today and admired the ground dogwood (Cornus canadensis) that blanketed the forest floor. The dogwood (also called bunchberry) certainly brightens up the forest floor with...
Gathering berries on a drizzly taiga hillside, I chance across a spider gathering raindrops in her web, Pass by her berry-laden bush, And bring home memories instead.
Building 23 (Eva’s Place) at Pioneer Park as it looked in 1989 One of the oldest buildings at Pioneer Park (formerly Alaskaland) is associated with Eva McGown, who was known as Fairbanks’...
Because of the hot dry weather earlier this summer, the blueberry harvest right around Fairbanks has been disappointing. However, on a scouting expedition up the Steese Highway about a month ago we found a promising...
When we went up to Murphy Dome we didn’t see many blueberries, but we did find several nice patches of lowbush cranberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), also called lingonberries. The cranberries were ripening up nicely and...