Murphy Dome panorama – Fairbanks – 7-26-2015
We drove up to Murphy Dome last week looking for blueberries. Didn’t find many berries, but the view was fantastic! This panorama is looking southwest. That’s our camper at the right edge of the...
We drove up to Murphy Dome last week looking for blueberries. Didn’t find many berries, but the view was fantastic! This panorama is looking southwest. That’s our camper at the right edge of the...
The Timber pumping station just north of Delta Junction in 2014 The Haines-Fairbanks Pipeline was a 624-mile long, 8-inch diameter line that carried fuel from Haines in Southeast Alaska to Eastern Interior Alaska military...
Ladd Field commander’s quarters on North Post. Completed in 1941, it is one of the oldest buildings on Fort Wainwright Ladd Field, now Fort Wainwright, began as a cold-weather testing facility. Named after...
I was planning to drive somewhere but when I went out to get into my truck I found this little fellow sitting on the windshield wiper, chirping away. I couldn’t bear forcing it to...
Meier’s Lake Chapel in 2014 Charles Meier got his start in the roadhouse business working for Alvin Paxson. Meier, a mail carrier between Valdez and the Interior, hired on as cook when Paxson opened...
This past Sunday I drove down to Chitina with my son-in-law, Brian Lotze, to go dip-netting for salmon. Our destination was O’Brien Creek, about 2 miles south of Chitina along the old Copper...
Walked down to the lagoon behind my house at the end of Hamilton Avenue. Had a lovely time watching the sandpipers chase each other around, the ducks sunning themselves and paddling around the lagoon,...
This traditional Athabascan birch-bark canoe is on display at the Morris Thompson Cultural & Visitors Center in Fairbanks. It was constructed in 2013 by a Folk School Fairbanks class. The boreal forest (also...