R. C. Wood, a neglected city father of Fairbanks
R. C. Wood’s house in the mid 1980s Richard Crowther “Dick” Wood, a pioneer Fairbanks banker and civic leader, was born in Winnemucca, Nevada in 1876. He spent much of his childhood in Tombstone,...
R. C. Wood’s house in the mid 1980s Richard Crowther “Dick” Wood, a pioneer Fairbanks banker and civic leader, was born in Winnemucca, Nevada in 1876. He spent much of his childhood in Tombstone,...
Healy Hotel, now Princess Tours employee housing, in 2012 Most people driving the Parks Highway through Healy have no idea they can see a historic structure from the road. However, the two-story building just...
Fordson snow tractor outside the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum in Fairbanks The odd-looking contraption in the drawing is a Fordson “Snow Motor,” also called a snow tractor. It is basically a Fordson tractor (built...
I was out taking photos today and was intrigued by the contrast between birch branches, snow, and sky.
During my recent walk along the Chena River I saw lots of fox tracks–must be a good vole year. For the first photo above, which is several shots stitched together, I stood about six...
Happy Holidays! Went for a walk on the Chena River today. It was a lovely day — partly cloudy and about 5 degrees above zero (F). It was about 1:00 in the afternoon, with...
The 160-mile long Taylor Highway was constructed between 1947 and 1951 to connect the Alaska Highway with the Fortymile River region (often referred to as “Fortymile country”) and the city of Eagle on the...
Manley Roadhouse as it looked in 1994 John Karshner was prospecting for gold when he stumbled across a hot springs in the hills just north of a small Tanana River tributary in 1902. Karshner...
Mary’s Turn – engraving by Peter Milton “Colors can cheat the eye but sumi (black pigment) never can; it proclaims the master and exposes the tyro” – Henry Bowie, in On the Laws...
Thanksgiving day here is Fairbanks. My wife and I walked down to the river and back just now. It is clear and cold, about -5 degrees F. Actually pretty good weather for the end...