Cool beats – Drum set ice sculpture in Fairbanks, Alaska
Icy drum set in front of Design Alaska, an Engineering and Design firm in Fairbanks, Alaska
Icy drum set in front of Design Alaska, an Engineering and Design firm in Fairbanks, Alaska
The vehicle in the drawing is a 1942 GMC dump truck sitting on a hillside at about 1620 Mile of the Alaska Highway. Stenciled on the door is “Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administration.”...
Went for a walk late in the afternoon today and the atmospherics were lovely. Took this photo by the large community garden plot next to the river. Love the chiaroscuro effect.
Blue Crystal Water Company well house on Cowles Street We take plentiful clean water for granted, but in early Fairbanks, clean water was a limited commodity. Most wells in Fairbanks were shallow — yielding...
This past Friday I had a book signing a the Fairbanks Community Museum for my new book, Interior Sketches. The community museum is a great little place, and I had an exhibit there last...
Saloons and churches were both integral parts of frontier Alaska. Many early churches survive, while examples of early liquor establishments are rare. Perhaps this is because missionaries and preachers thought in terms of...
I was wading through the snow at Clay Street Cemetery a few days ago taking pictures and spied a small grouping of Bohemian Waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus) in a chokecherry tree there. They are a...