Bucyrus steam shovel at Pioneer Park, Fairbanks, Alaska

This is a photo of the old steam shovel at Pioneer Park here in Fairbanks. It was used in the 1920s to build the Davidson Ditch, a 90-mile long aqueduct that brought water from the upper reaches of the Chatanika River to gold dredges near Fairbanks. Supposedly it was used before that on the Panama Canal. I had problems finding a manufacturer’s name on it, but did find a plate saying it was made in Evansville, Indians. Based on that I am assuming that it is a Bucyrus. Cool old shovel!
Yes, it was a company in Evansville Indiana called Bucyrus-Erie. We saw it at Alaskaland in 1968 and I am pleased to see it is still there in the renamed park. I grew up in Evansville and our father always chuckled that went all that way and found an Evansville shovel in Alaska! I can send you a picture from our 1968 trip that clearly shows the name – just let me know.
Thanks for your comment. I would love to see 1968 photos of the steam shovel. That was only a year after the park opened. It would be nice to see how the steam shovel has weathered the last 45 years. You can get my email off my profile page (in the sidebar) if you just want to attach a photo. Otherwise I can send you my snail mail address.