Whirlwind trip to Kenai Peninsula historic sites – Summer 2017
Several weeks ago Betsy and I drove down to the Kenai Peninsula for the weekend. We hadn’t been there in about 15 years. While we were there Betsy let me check out a bunch of historic sites. There are too many sites to visit in one weekend, but here are the ones we stopped at.

Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church (Russian Orthodox) in Kenai, 1894-96

Bunnell Street Arts Center( originally the Inlet Trading Post) in Old Town section of Homer, pre-WWII

Thorn-Stingley House in Homer, 1945

Seward Cable Office, 1905
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Seward. 1904-1917

Van Gilder Hotel in Seward, originally a commercial building, 1916

Seward train depot, 1917

Summit Lake Lodge at Summit Lake along the Seward Highway, early 1950s

Hope Historic District in Hope, about 1889 to early 1900s